AS2 programmer (in progress), decent at drawing things as well as animating, not really good at writing, and stuff. Lots of stuff. Insert more stuff here. One game in the works, need some help here and there, mostly with level design and enemy AI.

Age 31, Male

Part-time slacker

Somewhere in the future..

Joined on 7/22/11

Exp Points:
542 / 550
Exp Rank:
> 100,000
Vote Power:
4.98 votes
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B/P Bonus:
2y 1d

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Okay, so quite a bit more than I expected happened between my last post and now. For one thing, we've gone to more ranges and stuff, dealt with gunnery, I've built a platform bed with my own two hands (and several tools), worked on a little collab project with Step, I got married about a month ago, and now I'm home on leave. I can't believe what a pain in the ass it is just to get my housing pay though, I swear if there's an S1 than can do their job, I will be surprised...

Anyways, I know the game's made no progress, aside from ideas I get now and then. I'm gonna actually start working on it again once we finish invading Canada to get back our stolen cheese. For one thing, I definitely gotta learn to use arrays for the bullets and stuff instead of just using FOR loops. Seriously, I don't know why I didn't think of it before. Using the FOR loop, I have to check for every possible instance, rather than just the ones that actually exist. I'm sure there's lots of other stuff that I can make more efficient, but I gotta poop really bad right now, so it's hard to think of other ways.

For now, just bear with me for a bit, and most of all, love, peace, and hair grease.


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3,680 Points

Secret Medal ????? Points

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Secret Medal ????? Points

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Gold 5 Points

Is it edible?

Buttery Snack 5 Points

Yum Yum

Famous Movie Line 25 Points

Well, maybe not THAT famous

Secret Medal ????? Points

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Biggoron's Sword 100 Points

Legend has it the Toppat's have this sword

Failpocalypse 100 Points

Fail a Total of 100 Times

Master of Fails 100 Points

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Rank RPE 50 Points

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